Saturday, July 5, 2008

You know its time to leave when.....

You know its time to leave when.....the chocolate promotion is over at Swensons. Swensons, is the mecca of all ice cream shops. It has been our saviour in our time of need here in Bangkok. For the last couple of months they have had a great chocolate promotion running which included brownies, fudge and great ice cream. Unfortuatly it is over and we are left with the new nutty promotion. I tried it and and I must say I left swensons satisfied. However, I do dearly miss those great big brownies that added so much to my swensons ice cream experience.

In other news. Jodie is still sick. She has been sick for the last 5 days and I've been left to discover and say goodbye to some of our fav sites in Bangkok by myself. Thankfully I had my Ipod in hand, so it didn't seem quite so lonely.

Last night I watched a thai movie with the boys. It was actually really entertaining. It was comedy about a clumsy foreigner and it was based in Pattaya City. The man got special powers when he ate the thai food dish called som tom. It is a spicy dish and he would turn into a powerful fighting machine when he ate it. Other highlights of the movie included 2 thai girls kicking butt using pappay along with their attempt to teach the clumsy farang how to thai box. After the movie I helped the house parents tuck in the boys. Half of them were already knocked out and I knew that in a matter of minutes the rest of them would be fast asleep.

On Saturday morning, I went to mass and saw all the children together for the last time. Father Joe informed that one of the little boys from Mercy 6 was very ill in the hospital. During the teacher apprecation ceremony he fell and hurt his leg. He was already really weak because of AIDS and this injury has taken a real toll on him. Please pray for his healing.

Also keep Jodie in your prayers. We have already been to the hospital but another trip happen tomorrow if she doesn't feel better. She felt better in the afternoon so we decided to headed to the book store and the tailor shop but after an hour or so she was feeling sick to her stomach again.

Anyways, that's all for now. I have letters to write, pictures to take and boys to hang out with.

Sending love from Thailand.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The fam has come and gone

Mom and Tiffany have arrived safely back in Canada and Jodie and I are left here in Bangkok wrapping our time up and saying our goodbyes for the next week. I apologize for not posting but Tiffany and Mom didn't want me to spoil their stories, and plus I was so busy entertaining them that I didn't have much time to post or blog.

I'm feeling very anxious to go home but at the same time very sad that the adventure it over. I've been so spoiled for the last two weeks with hot showers, western meals and cozy warm beds that coming back to soi 40 was a bit of adjustment again. Jodie has been quite sick the past couple of days so we have been hanging out in the room trying to find ways to pass the time. Tomorrow we head back to Mercy to visit the children and staff. A rollercoaster of emotions I'm sure the next week will be.

A funny story from today. Jodie went into the pharmacy to ask about gravel pics. She mentioned that she was sick and vomiting and the lady replied confident that she knew the answer proceeded to hand her a pregancy test. hahhaha. I wasn't there to witness it first hand but I had a good laugh when Jodie told me minutes later.

That's all for now. As I post this blog, it is raining heavily and I'm randomly getting splashed by water.


Sending love from Thailand