Tuesday, May 27, 2008

An Afternoon with Aunt Betty

Last night we went to Father Joe’s for one of his infamous parties and we meet his sister, brother in law along with his Aunt Betty. For supper they cooked us spaghetti which was well received by both Jodie and I. Earlier that day we were in the grocery store and Jodie mentioned how she wished we could make spaghetti at soi 40. We brainstormed the possibilities for a few minutes but realized that cooking it over hot coals was really an option for us. Conveniently, our wish came true that evening when Father Joe’s family cooked us a lovely meal of spaghetti. We got on the topic of Indiana Jones and Si Jie mentioned that she really wanted to see it but we wouldn’t go with her. Aunt Betty then replied by saying that she also wanted to go and was planning on going the next day. Later in the evening we made plans to meet up with for a movie date on Monday afternoon. Now let me tell you about Aunt Betty. She is 85 years old, she is very close to Father Joe and this is her second trip to Thailand. During our afternoon date, she told us that Father Joe was a very serious little boy and that he was very insightful about his faith at very young age. A book has actually been written about Father Joe’s life called “The Gospel according to Father Joe” I can’t remember the author’s name but it has just recently been published.

Oh I forgot to mention that we drove to Emporium in Father Joe’s Audi but some decided it was time to switch things up and we were driven home in his Mercedes. Its tough being me sometimes I know. The Mercedes is kind of old and is smells like gasoline, but I’m sure 30 years ago is was a car of luxury.

Indiana Jones was good. In all honesty I’ve never seen the first two so I didn’t know what to expect. I liked it. It was definitely a fun afternoon.

In the evening Jodie and I went to the night market for a little bit of shopping.

Anyways, I need to go to bed

Sending love from Thailand,


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