Tuesday, May 27, 2008

There are sixty muscles in your face; you use twenty of them to smile and forty to frown

This morning Pi Tip and I read the above statement in an article. I had heard this fact before but I’m going to focus on what made me smile today and hope that in at least one of the stories make you smile too.

Picture a little boy, probably 4 or 5 years standing in a phone booth. He is so short that he has to prop himself up on a shelf inside the booth to reach the phone. Walking by, I could here him having a pretend conversation with a colleague of his. That made me smile.

Mama from the AIDS ward telling me I had big boobs and then proceeding to grab my hand to cop a feel of hers. I quickly pulled away and she said in Thai of course “my are small and firm because I never breastfed my children” That made me smile and awkwardly laugh as I prayed that no staff member witnessed me coping a feel of mama’s boobs.

Hearing Galang singing from the bathroom. Completely off tune, and sounding more like a Muslim call to worship than any conceivable song. That made me smile.

An afternoon tea break with Aunt Betty. Now that definitely made me smile. A cup of tea, a slice of cake, great company and a possibly future game of Phaze 10. What else could this girl ask for?

Hearing and seeing a group of Mercy Kindergarteners racing down the three story ramp, laughing and screaming on their way back to school.

Chilling with Frank and seeing his face light up.

Reading a folk tale about a snow angel with Cherie and Rose while sitting at the table were a few of my favorite people, Galong, Jodie and Si Jie.

There were moments of sadness too like hearing that Pi Ning was back in the hospital along with being told the heartbreaking story of how Frank became paralyzed at the age of 17 as a result of sniffing glue. Unconceivable to many, his addiction to glue isn’t unusual here in the streets of Klong Toey. I have many thoughts on the matter, all of which are tucked away in my personal journal.

All of these events shaped my day.

Sending love from Thailand,


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