Saturday, May 24, 2008

Our weekend

Friday bright and early we got up and went to help sister joan with the milk run. We were responsible for handing out bags of children’s clothing to the mothers after they were given milk. In between the two milk runs’ we grabbed a bit to eat at sister Joan’s house in the slums.

Sister Joan is a remarkable lady. Just recently she provided 600 children with school uniforms and helped pay for their school fees. Her “education fund” is funded by the Australian Embassy along with Australian and New Zealand women’s groups but it is her efforts and determination alone that gets to me is the most amazing. She lives among the poor, she truly knows the people she works for and evidently has there full respect because of it. Her kindness and generosity towards those less fortunate than her is truly remarkable. Simply put, she is my idol. She is so genuine and selfless in her actions and for those reasons among many, she is truly an inspiration to me.

The rest of our weekend has been pretty lo key. We got a large donation of English movies so that has kept us pretty occupied in the evenings. We also discovered soi 38 which is a street filled with street vendor restaurants. I got noodles and I loved them. Everything is so cheap so we will definitely be hitting up this spot on a regular basis.

On Saturday, we hung out in our room until late in the afternoon. We had no food left in our house so at about 1:30 we realized that we needed to go and get some food. We had no breakfast or anything, so we were pretty hungry. As we attempted to open the big door to release us from soi 40, we realized that we were locked in and there was no one in the building to rescue us. At this point we were so desperate for food that we ate the only thing we had in our room, a can of cream corn! It wasn’t the best tasting cream of corn but it did the trick. About an hour later Si Jie took a motorcycle back from Mercy and rescued us. Of course the first thing on our minds was food and so we took a taxi to Subway and stuffed our faces with a delicious chicken and ham sub. We spent the rest of the day at the park and later we picked up some groceries. In the evening I wasn’t feeling too good. I think I must have eaten something and so I spent the evening in bed and in the bathroom. This morning, I woke up feeling better so hopefully the sick feeling has passed. Plus I just got a big hug from Galong this morning so that of course that made me feel better too.

Anyways, that’s all for now.

Sending love from Thailand


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