Monday, April 7, 2008

Canadian Eh

Hi everyone

Our weekend has shaped up to be quite an eventful one. On Friday we spent the day teaching and around supper time treated ourselves to some crepes and Swenson’s. The crepes here are dirt cheap and they sell them just a few meters from Mercy Centre. Swenson’s is a big ice cream chain here. After treating ourselves we bused home, rested and miraculously happened upon an Internet connection in our room here in Soi 40. With that low but available I sent some very important emails that had been stressing me out for the last couple of days. By this point it was around 10 but Jodie and I were both in high spirits so we decided to go test out a new restaurant since we were both starving and had reason to celebrate. We came across a really nice Italian restaurant, and enjoyed a delicious pizza.

Saturday could be summed up in a few words. Those being “Laundry” and “Canadians” We spent all morning and part of the afternoon, slowly tackling our laundry. We spent over 4 hours washing, draining, washing; spin drying and hanging our clothes outside in the backbreaking heat. The boys and the house staff were away and we had very little food in our fridge, so after a day of laundry and a few apples we set out to find some food. We hopped on a bus, not having any idea where it would leave us but we were confident at some point it would pass the A&W we remembered seeing. After taking a loop around the bus route we finally reached our destination.

In the evening we attended a party with fellow Canadian friend named Nick. He works at the Canadian Embassy and a fellow colleague was having a birthday party and he invited us to attend. Jodie, SiJie and I frantically rushed back to soi 40 to meet him at 5:30. I’ve never got ready so fast in my life, except for the time that my alarm didn’t go off on my graduation day.

We had a really interesting evening chatting and meeting fellow Canadians. Most of who worked at Canadian Embassy’s throughout the world. Interesting to note, most individuals who work for the embassy only stay at a posting for 4 years and then they either go back to Ottawa or move onto a different posting, and a different country. Everyone we met had travelled to and worked in some really exceptional places such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Israel and United Emirates. I learned a lot about Canada’s foreign policy, how to apply for the embassy and even how the tsunami impacted the Canadian embassy here in Canada. Needless to say it was a really informative and fun evening and the best part was the fact that we got to be really patriotic and boast about Nova Scotia and have people actually understand what were talking about.

On Sunday we cleaned our room and headed off to the weekend market. This market was GIGANTIC and really overwhelming. I would estimate that the whole market covers over a kilometer and from the sky train you can hundred’s of people walking in and out of the shops. We spent ALL afternoon there and we only covered one part of the market. It is extremely crowded but thankfully today was a relatively cool day and so we didn’t have to push and shove in the blistering heat. We both found a few good finds and navigating through the market was an adventure in itself.
Oh yeah, 2 quick stories. Last night we were furiously barked at by two stray dogs outside of soi 40. I was a wee bit terrified and I really hope that it never happens again. Pigeons and stray dogs are my least favorite animals here in Thailand. Elephant and monetary lizards on the other hand top my list.

If you are Canadian and into Canadian pop bands you might remember “The Moffats” well Frank Moffat who is the father of the moffats volunteers at Mercy Centre on Saturdays. Jodie and I haven’t met him yet, but let me tell you, I’m quite excited about our meeting. I owned a Moffats album when I was 13 and I loved “I miss you like crazy” SiJie told us that one of the brothers is living here in Thailand too. My heart flipped just a little when I heard this. The moffats were my Canadian heart throbs in my pre-teens and the thought of meeting them 10 yrs later is still quite exciting. Lame I know, but whatever. Everyone has embarrassing crushes from their childhood. It is like if Mom was going to meet Donny Osmond, she would be QUITE excited. Hahah.

Anyways, that’s all for me.

Sending love from Thailand,


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