Wednesday, April 16, 2008


First I would like to apologize for the rough state of the blog. The computer here wasn’t working and so the posts got put up like 5 times by mistake. It is all fixed now and if you are looking for pics go to Jodie’s blog She has been able to upload pics but I won’t be able to until we get back to Bangkok.

On Monday and Tuesday here in Chaing Mai we again spent most of our days playing Songkran. Monday we set out not really in the Songkran mood and at this point we were beginning to realize that Laos wasn’t going to be possible because of time constraints and transportation challenges. This news really dampened our mood because it meant that we would have to stay here in Chaing Mai for another week and at this point we were seriously ready to move on. We spent the day trying to figure out our options for the next week. We were considering taking the bus home, visiting neighboring provinces but we ended deciding that financially and mentally head back to Bangkok as soon as possible was our best option. The thought of spending money to stay here when we didn’t want to be here just wasn’t appealing but as of Monday we still weren’t sure how we were going to get back to Bangkok. That night we returned to the night market, bought a couple of things and on the way home meet two young Israeli guys who were walking back as well. We struck up conversation and learned that had just finished a 3 year term with the Israeli army. I told the guy that I was walking next to that I have been to Israel and he replied “Wow, I’m flattered” I kind of let out a laugh because I thought that was an unusual response. He then went on to ask me if I liked his country and I replied “Yes, very much” and he replied by saying “Thanks” The way he said it made me let a loud laugh because it wasn’t like I didn’t really see it as a personal compliment. . He responded by saying that not very many people like his country, so it meant a lot to him that someone had visited Israel and liked it. Talking to them brought back very fond memories of my trip there and it made my evening.

Earlier that evening we also struck up conversation with an Indian man and his family in McDonalds. We talked about Bangkok and the numerous amount of holidays that the Thai people celebrate. He mentioned that he had been living in Bangkok for 3 years and that he considered it a very peaceful city and that although he didn’t think there was a lot of money to be made here, he considered Thailand a happier more interesting place for his family compared to Hong Kong which is where he was lived previously.

We’ve talked to a lot of interesting people here in Chaing Mai and there’s no doubt that meeting other travelers is one of the best parts about traveling. We’ve had the chance to meet some many types of people from all walks of life and with different life experiences and in a small way, you get to take something away from every person you met.

On Tuesday we decided to stop mopping around about Laos. We needed a new game plan fast because Chaing Mai was getting us down. We decided to take a tuk tuk to the airport to see about changing our flight. Mind you, we were still in the middle of Songkran and our only option was a tuk tuk, which is like a little buggy car that has no windows or doors. I can’t post a pic right to show you, so google it if you are curious about what they look like. We got in the tuk tuk dry and arrived 20 minutes later soaked and dripping wet at the airport. Of course, everyone was looking at us like we were crazy. Everyone knows you are going to get wet in a tuk tuk, because they are prime targets because you can’t escape the water, but like I said earlier we didn’t really have any other options. Driving and being drilled with cold water was the worst combination, we were freezing and we thrilled when we finally arrived at the airport. By the time we arrived, my sandels were squeaking and my denium shorts were dripping blue dye. Needless to say, we made quite a scene and we left little puddles behind.

We successfully switched our flights and we are flying home on Thursday evening. In that moment our suddenly change and loved Chaing Mai and loved life knowing that we would be leaving for Bangkok soon.

In the afternoon we had lunch and then decided to go exploring and being fully aware that we would get soaked in the process. After walking for about 20 minutes we came across a family who were selling ice and they invited us to play Songkrah with them. So of course we agreed because at this point we were already soaked and we new that cold water was the ultimate revenge. For about an hour we joined them in soaking the passing traffic. During this time we noticed that not many people were stopping for ice and the ice appeared to be melting at quite a rapid rate. At this point Jodie and I decided to help sell ice instead of throw water. Jodie wore a huge cardboard sign that had some Thai words written on it and picture of an ice cube, so we assumed it said Ice Cubes for sale but we can’t argue that for sure. I held a huge piece of ice and showed it off as if I was on selling jewelry on the shopping network. Our little ice selling business picked up pace quite quickly. We sold 8/10 cubes in less than an hour. We were pretty amazed. Our skin color, age and gender might have had something to do with the spike in sales. In appreciation, the family gave us a coke.

In the evening, Jodie and I went for supper on a riverboat cruise. It was pretty romantic let me tell you. Sitting at a candle lit table, floating down a river listening to my heart will go on. Could there be anything more romantic? I’m not sure there could be. Anyways, we had a lovely evening and we struck conversation with an older American man and his Thai wife. He works in Iraq so of course had a few questions for him about his thoughts on the political situation there. Jodie and I joked that it was another romantic evening wasted on each other. The boat ride was about an hour long and we got to enjoy passing by other waterfront restaurants. It would be a perfect atmosphere for a proposal but to our disappointment there were no Australian doctors around to do the job.

Anyways, that’s latest recap. I miss home and Bangkok and am thrilled to be returning tomorrow. That’s all the news for now

Sending love from Thailand


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