Thursday, April 24, 2008

And the rain continues

Around suppertime the rain began and soon after came the thunder and lightening. I’ve never seen Mother Nature quite so terrifying. At home I am not usually that scared of lightening, for example I don’t hide under my bed and feel the need to cuddle with the dog. My fondest memories of thunder storms are at camp frightened and hysteric campers. In those cases, I always remained calm and collected but not today.

Here in Thailand, the lightening literally felt like it was striking over my head and seconds after the lightening struck the sky would flash pink. It reminded me of thunder and lightening bolts you would see in a documentary about Mother Nature’s force. I fully admit, I screamed and ran to find shelter a few times while Jodie and I waited outside for a songtow. In those moments, all I could think about was the likelihood of me getting struck and dying on the spot. Jodie reminded me that my chances were pretty slim which only comforted me a bit.

The rest of my day went well. I had a good morning with my adult class, all accounted for and in full attendance. Emma (a fellow volunteer), Jodie and I had a fun visit in the Aids hospice, at one point I was singing “How do I live” with one of the patients named Nancy who couldn’t carry a tune and Jodie was dancing with one of the patients in a wheelchair. One of the other patients was spending his last day at Mercy, he was heading home later in the day and he was very happy about it.

We also chatted with another volunteer who told us all about Krabi which is a province in the south of Thailand. She is a member of the British Women’s Group and Jodie suggested to me that we should either search for a Canadian Women’s Group or start one ourselves. I agreed and noted that we are already 2 members strong.

The Mercy Centre has an up coming fundraiser at the Four Season Hotel and in preparation for the auction the children have been painting pictures and today Jodie and I found a canvas picture that we both have fallen in love with. We are hoping to either attend the auction and purchase it or have the boy paint 2 more that we can buy and have the proceeds go to Mercy Centre.

Well folks, that’s all for now. I have a book to finish and some sleep to be had. I don’t know if it’s the rain or the cold temperatures but I’m craving a cup of tea but I will have to go with out tonight.

Sending love from Thailand,


1 comment:

Chicken Nugget said...

*Rain rain go away, come again another day!*

Love the story about singing "how do i live"... misty keep on singing and jodie keep on dancing!!

Miss you!