Pictures are more interesting than words. So a short recap of the weekend starts now. We took a bus to Ko Chang, we attempted to catch the 7:45 bus, but missed it by minutes, so we had to wait at the BTS until the 9:45 bus. The bus trip was 5 hrs long. We were actually about an hour away from Cambodia. Pretty cool eh?Ko Chang is an island, so after our long bus trip, we had to take a ferry across to our final destination. At this point in the trip, it is not really that warm and I am scared that the weather isn't going to cooperate. I am also tired of travelling and all I want is the beach, but the sun is setting and we still have to find our hotel. So the trek continues... Jodie and I get on the back of truck with other tourists and we begin the steep climb up and over the mountains that cover the island. My first reaction was, this island is beautiful!!! So my mood begins to change and I realize that I'm thrilled to be away from the hussle and bussle of Bangkok. The taxi driver drops us off and continues on with the rest of the tourist. We assume that we are near our hotel, so we proceed to ask for directions and of course, find a way to get lost. We eventually find our room and we ask the hotel manager if he wants a deposit and he replys "No, you can pay when you leave" We were a little shocked but were surprised
On to more important details about our room. In our luxurious room, there was a SHOWER....including a shower nozzle! We also had cable TV! What more could two girls ask for?? We went swimming immediatley and went on a search for yummy western meals. That seach continued for the rest of the weekend. Rice wasn't on OUR menu for the weekend.
We spent all of Sunday on the beach. Yes, we wore sunscreen but no, not enough! So the result my friend was a nice lobster sunburn. Jodie got especially burnt because that fair skin of her's hadn't seen the sun in months.
A few shockers of the trip
-Saw WAY to MANY old old men with young young Thai girls(60 year old man, 20 year old girl)
-Saw a few too many topless old ladies
Both of these just come with the territory, but still a shock for these two young canadian girls.
We shopped a bit, I bought 2 pairs of knock off Ray Bans which was exciting. One for Tiffany, one for me. Then on the way home, one pair broke. So now, I am left with one pair, in hopes that Tiffany will fly here and buy a pair herself.
The rest of the trip is just mundane details that will probably bore you. We laid out more, we ate more and travelled home. All and all, a great weekend. We saw a whole new side of Thailand and got to sit back and relax for a short time.
Anyways, if you are looking for more, check out Jodie's blog
Sending love from Thailand,
Glad you could have a relaxing beach weekend after your 'near death' experience! In almost any country I've been in, local transport brings out the best (or worst!) stories. Hope your burn doesn't peel too badly...:(
Hey girl, its sooo beauiful there. I can feel like I am there with you.... someday i will be!
I love to pic of the primary lil boy graduating. sooo precious! OMG the Ray bans are awesome! love the knock off's. I almost want you to send me a pair and i would pay...but i can wait and buy my own. Love you sis.
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